Australia, Divorce Judgement

As part of Another Next Generation Word, the Lord is asking His Church in Australia to divorce judgement. In this prophetic word I explain the process that happened to me and how I realised we partner with this unconsciousnessly. See video below or written version below.

Personal Testimony related to Judgment

I have been processing this word about judgement for around  two years.  For a few years, some of my leaders and close friends had humbly raised the issue  that they found me to be critical. They asked me to review.  I truly unpacked this with the Lord but could not see what they were saying.  I provided examples to them of my encouragement towards them and said, “How is this critical?” 

I wasn’t harbouring bitterness and there wasn’t major pain or resentment that I am aware of, so I just couldn’t see it. 

I was in a back room in San Diego with a prophet. Suddenly he quoted Isaiah 58:9 to me as one of the conditions that the Lord wants to solve in the body:

 “If you take away the yoke from your midst and the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness…”

 I began saying to him that Jeroboam extended his finger against the prophet and his arm withered.  However, when I looked the scripture up this was incorrect.  It says he stretched out his arm.  I went to apologise and the prophet said to me, “No – the Lord is speaking to you because look at this.”  In front of us was the Hotel menu and on the bottom was an outstretched finger with a warning on it.  Who puts that on a menu?   

When I saw the bottom of the menu the full conviction of the Holy Spirit landed on me in that moment.  I realised that I partnered unwittingly with pointing the finger (judgement) for years.   It wasn’t that I wasn’t encouraging, it is that I still had judgment in the eye so even if I encouraged I was still critical.   Just Selah that for a moment.  I was encouraging and YET still holding judgment. 

I returned home and repented with weeping.  However, strongholds can sometimes take a long time to unpin and within 24 hours I had stuffed it up again. 

Since then, the Lord has increased my awareness of this issue.   I refuse to partner with it in my eye or heart.

The word I hear is: Divorce judgement.  

The Power of Removing Judgement across Australia

Value of one another

When we judge one another, we fail to see heaven’s value in a person, and therefore we cannot receive who they are.   Then, out of our heart our mouth speaks.  Out of our mouth flows rivers of blessing and living water, but also salt water (because we are mixed). When we partner with judgment and speak from that we are essentially placing a curse on others. See James 3:9-11.

Judgement causes division, division removes power

The ability to see and recognise value in other members within the Body of Christ is critical.  One cannot stand fully united with someone they judge. That is, judgement underpins disunity.  Disunity, means there is no or little agreement. No agreement means that the power, even in decreeing and prayer is undercut (Mt 18:19).  There is a reason why before coming to pray Jesus instructs us to go and solve our issues with people.

If the Church of Jesus Christ in Australia, stopped judging one another and valued each member as one of the body, agreement would increase and then so would power.  

Is this true historically? 

Many may know of the Moravians ­– they had a revival and subsequently changed the world. They are known for having a 100-year ongoing prayer meeting 24x7, establishing a massive missionary movement and underpinning the Wesleyan movement.  However, what is not usually recognised is that proceeding the revival there was a major move that caused unity.  Six months prior to what is considered the start of this great revival, Count Zinzinderof addressed this disunity. The Lord then met them in a major repentance which unified them in purpose and heart.

Could the Lord remove this across His Church in Australia?

I believe the Lord could do this inside of 18 months. This cannot be achieved by mans’ effort – only the Lord can do it.  I recommend you ask the Lord to show you and simply pray as you are led.  In my case, I have divorced judgment. 


What about righteous judgement. 

There is a place for judgement in scripture.  Most times in the gospels the context is Jesus trying to say, at least Judge righteously, not whether or not you should judge.