We are a company of prophetic leaders who work together to:

·         Release Prophetic words to Australia

·         Run Strategic Prayer, Worship and revvial events

·         Prophesy into the business & arts realm – Releasing Innovation & Strategy

·         Consult in Business

Run Strategic Events

Specifically the events we run tend to be focused on revival, prayer and worship and specific assignments of the Lord

Releasing Innovation & Strategy

We live in a time where business, culture and society are changing faster than ever before, with many of these changes driven by the speed of technology development.  In the midst of this, we are also in a time where the Kingdom is expanding faster than ever and God is releasing His secrets to His sons and daughters.  When He whispers His secrets, His children can receive the wealth of the nations and the strategies to change culture.  We must receive of His voice!   

One idea can open everything.  Ideas of heaven unlock new realms and technologies to advance the Kingdom.  Business people, creatively partnered with the Holy Spirit, can change nations!

The most important thing in your business and art is the Voice of God.  One word changes everything.

We run two-three day workshops for you to encounter the innovation realm of heaven.  Filled with worship and the prophetic it is designed for you to hear from God!

Find the next one here.

We are about shifting culture into a culture of heaven through Worship, prayer and the prophetic. As we operate in heaven as part of who we are, our authenticity with Gods truth releases the reality of Heaven. In Heaven is a solution to every problem known to man. From that place we want to see a move of God erupt in business and arts cultures that would shift the World.